Full Moon O Sagashite, Vol. 02 - Arina Tanemura

Mitsuki is doing well as a singer, along with the help of two harbringers of death. Her music is doing well and she still hopes to find her friend, who she loves very much.


I loved the first volume of this. Thought it was so good. This volume is not bad, but I didn't like it quite as much as the first one. This took a little bit to get into, but once I finally did get into it, I enjoyed it very much.


I really like Mitsuki. I think she is a really sweet character and I liked that she explained more about why she wants to find her friend. Takuto and Mereko are interesting characters too. Overall, I did like this volume and I'll definitely read the next one.


Also, the unrelated story in this volume was nice too. It was a sweet story.