
A hobbit named Frodo inherits a ring from his relative, Bilbo. When Bilbo leaves, the ring is entrusted to Frodo and he soon finds that the ring must be destroyed. Along with friends, Frodo sets out on a journey to get rid of the ring.I saw each of the Lord of the Rings movies when they came out in the movie theater. The Fellowship movie was released when I was 12 and I just fell in love with it. I even went to see it a second time!But I will be honest and say that I was hesitant to start reading the trilogy. I heard from so many people that it was slow and boring. I'm finally glad to have read the first book in the trilogy and I can honestly say that I love it. It was just amazing. It held my interest from start to finish and I didn't find it boring or slow at all. It was exciting and a great story. Very well-written and it is now one of my favorite books. I am very much looking forward to reading the second book.