Why I Left the Amish - Saloma Miller Furlong
I am from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. It is normal to see Amish people where I live since there is a pretty big population here. However, even though I was born and raised here, I don't know much about the Amish other than the little bits my dad told me.I read this book because the author of it was coming to the Hershey library. I missed her visit, however, I still wanted to read her book. Since I don't know much about Amish life, I did learn a lot from reading her book. I think, more than anything, this book shows that the Amish are just like anyone else and have their share of problems.The author, Saloma Miller Furlong, grew up in a dysfunctional family and had a mentally ill father. She knew from a very young age that the Amish life was not for her, but she still tried to do what was expected of her. She tried to accept the Amish ways, that this was just the way life was. But in the end, she couldn't accept it. She wanted to learn more, have freedom and not be in fear every day of her life.Reading this book was very thought-provoking for me and it was also very hard to put down. I very much like the way the author writes. It draws you right in and you can picture everything in your head that she describes. I also at times really felt like I was there, like I was in her head and in her shoes. It was very well-written and inspiring and I highly recommend to anyone interested in the Amish, or those who like memoirs.It was an amazing book that I won't be forgetting. I actually wish that it was longer, that is how much I liked it.