No one knows what happened to Alexi over the summer. And she deals with it on her own, hiding in her closet and scratching her neck.
And when Bodee, who has secrets of his own, comes to live with Alexi's family, she discovers an unlikely friend. As they lean on each other for support, they give each other the strength to face their secrets.
I'm sure there will be spoilers in my review. I thought this book sounded good, but I ended up loving it. I think Alexi and Bodee are such amazing characters. They're flawed. They're broken. But that just made them so relatable to me.
And I love their interactions with each other; their care and gentleness. It was so sweet.
Alexi has to come to terms with being raped, and not only that but who raped her. And Bodee is dealing with his mother's death. His own father killed her.
This book deals with some heavy issues, but it is very well-written. The author has a unique voice and a nice style of writing. And her characters, especially Alexi and Bodee, are very real. They are relatable.
I loved this book. I loved Alexi and Bodee. I loved how they were with each other. I just think this is such a good book. It has become a favorite of mine.