Delia just inherited a house, but not just any house - it was once an institute for troubled females. But many of the patients weren't insane, just strong willed. And it seems even in the death the house wants to keep the girls locked away.
Delia learns that when she gets trapped in the house.
I wouldn't say this book is necessarily original, but it was well-written. And very thoughtful concerning death. Gave me a lot to think about at times.
I liked Delia. I could relate to her, especially her rebellious nature. And the fact that her parents were somewhat overprotective. She was a good character that changed throughout the book.
The story was interesting and I thought the ending was quite nice. 4 and a half stars.
No one knows what happened to Alexi over the summer. And she deals with it on her own, hiding in her closet and scratching her neck.
And when Bodee, who has secrets of his own, comes to live with Alexi's family, she discovers an unlikely friend. As they lean on each other for support, they give each other the strength to face their secrets.
I'm sure there will be spoilers in my review. I thought this book sounded good, but I ended up loving it. I think Alexi and Bodee are such amazing characters. They're flawed. They're broken. But that just made them so relatable to me.
And I love their interactions with each other; their care and gentleness. It was so sweet.
Alexi has to come to terms with being raped, and not only that but who raped her. And Bodee is dealing with his mother's death. His own father killed her.
This book deals with some heavy issues, but it is very well-written. The author has a unique voice and a nice style of writing. And her characters, especially Alexi and Bodee, are very real. They are relatable.
I loved this book. I loved Alexi and Bodee. I loved how they were with each other. I just think this is such a good book. It has become a favorite of mine.
A great book to learn quickly learn some about Belva Lockwood, a woman who ran for President in the 1880s! Of course, she was not the first - Victoria Woodhull was - but you have to admit it took a lot of guts for her to run, especially considering the time she lived in.
I plan on reading more about this amazing woman.
This is the final volume in A Devil and Her Love Song and it was a really good volume.
Over the course of these 13 volumes, I have watched these characters grow and change. And I have to admit, I have become attached to them. I was always looking forward to reading the next volume and now I have no more to read.
I think the love that Shin and Maria have is so sweet. And the circle they have, the fact they always have each other and are there for one another. I guess this series is really about transformation, finding out who you are and finding people who will accept you for just being you.
I love this series. It is one of my favorite manga series and I'm sad it is over. But it was very good, very moving at times. I love Maria and I just feel a connection to her. In some ways, I can relate to her. This series is definitely something I would read again.
This is a heavy volume. Maria meets her father. The man who raped her mother. and rightfully so, Maria is angry at this man.
But Maria sees now that he is a Priest and has been a foster parent to Shintaro.
Maria is right in her anger. And I honestly can't blame her for hating him. Yes, he helped in her creation, but while doing a horrible act.
There was a theme of a forgiving in this volume and I did like that. However, I felt the forgiveness that was given to Maria's father happened too quick.
Sure, he is living a different life. But does that change what he did? Does that change how it affected Maria's mother and even Maria herself? Rape is serious and not something simple to be pushed aside.
And I am not saying that Maria shouldn't forgive him. I felt, though, that she was being forced to forgive him because he had changed because he was now doing good things. I felt especially Shintaro was forcing forgiveness because Maria's father had been good to him.
And forgiveness isn't something that happens fast. You can't forgive quickly. It is a progress, not for the person that you're forgiving, but for you. Forgiveness takes work and you need to work through things before you can truly forgive. And that's okay.
It is okay to feel anger when something horrible is done to you or someone you love. And I wish Maria would have been able to work through it more, instead of the author making her forgive so quickly.
This was still a good volume. A lot of character growth for all of them. And I just wonder what Shin is doing? Does he feel bad? Does he feel he's not good enough for Maria now?
I can't believe there are only two volumes left. But I'm looking forward to reading the next two.
In this volume, Shin finally decides to tell Maria how he really feels about her.
I would say there is a lot of depth to this volume. Shin and Maria have their first real fight, which they have to learn how to make up.
And because of Shin finally admitting how he feels, which results in holding and kissing Maria, it brings the memories flooding back of her mother. Perhaps Shin was being forceful, or I just wonder if it just doesn't look worse than what it was.
It seemed that when he started kissing and holding her, she froze and just laid there. She knew what was happening, but the memories resurfacing just made her lay there. It was like she couldn't do anything.
And Maria always blames herself. She feels that she causes people to hate themselves. I really don't think she does. She is truthfully and doesn't hold back, but I don't see anything she's done to make people actually make them hate themselves. Some people, like Anna, do place the blame on her. But that is just her own problems and I think she feels she needs to blame someone.
This volume also deals with depression and I feel that it was handled well. And in the flashbacks, we learn more about Maria and her mother. I just feel sorry Maria had to come into the world the way she did.
And Shintaro needs to go. He's not cute nor funny. Honestly, I feel he is just a major creeper. He is always there, even intruding on private conversations and private moments between Shin and Maria.